Listing Status settings in the Gallery
How to: Change Gallery Listing Status settings in SalesPartner.
By default, only listings with status A & C (Available & Conditional) are displayed in the standard Gallery mode. You can also access Quiet, Prospect, Foreign, Withdrawn, and Sold listings using the lower Quick Access menu bar.
Other status options can only be displayed by using the Other Selections, Status filter.
Tip: Use the Other Selections, Status filter tool to display only non standard listing status types, including Incomplete, Listed, Bought, or a combination listing status types.
Open Gallery
Click Other Selections
Select Status
Double Click, or Drag & Drop left panel Status options into the Selected column. You can also add or remove Status types using the arrow tools. Select a Status item to enable single arrow buttons.
Click OK to apply
Note: for large databases, SalesPartner may take a few moments to display status selections which include Withdrawn and/or Sold Listings.
Standard Listing Status Definitions
Available (A) - Available Listings which can be publicly advertised on websites and in brochures.
Conditional (C) - Conditional, meaning under offer but not yet confirmed or Sold. Conditional (C) Status listings are displayed by default in combination with Available (A) listings. Enabled Status filters are displayed in the Gallery menu bar filter description panel.
Bought (B) - Bought Listings. A 'Z' Listing or Prospect listing which you have entered for an Appraisal may be classified as status 'Bought' once a sale is confirmed. This allows you to keep a Listing record with the new owner linked as the current vendor, as well as keeping a sold record of the Listing with the office reference which is linked to the past vendor. You should not use status 'S' with 'Z' listings (only 'B' for Bought). You should not use status 'B' for office listings (only S for Sold). When sold, Foreign listings which have their own agency reference should be set as status S especially if you know what it sold for and can create or link a sale record in the Gallery. This will let you use the foreign listing information and photos in some SalesPartner CMA reports.
Foreign (F) - Foreign Listings. Properties which have been listed by another company and those imported from or Trade Me which were not listed by your office or Franchise.
Incomplete (I) - Incomplete Listings. When a new listing is first entered into SalesPartner in the office copy, status: Incomplete is used to ensure that all details are entered prior to the listing becoming Available / publicly advertised. Status 'I' properties will not be Synchronised to salespeople or included in the Gallery for upload to Web Sites so, when the Incomplete listing is ready for market be sure to change the status to 'A' (Available).
Listed (L) - Listed Listings. This status is mainly used for Prospect Listings which have been 'Listed'. When your prospect listing becomes an Available listing (listed by your agency) you can change the Z Listing's status to 'Listed'. Be sure to delete any incomplete activity from your future activity trails for the prospect listing (alternately you can transfer incomplete activity and any completed activity you want to keep to the new office listing for the property). If a Status F or foreign listing with its previous office code gets listed by your office and you want to keep it as your database or Z listing you can choose to change the reference code to the next Z number available. If your agency Lists one of your prospect listings, it can be useful to keep your 'Z' listing record for the property so that you can update the 'Z' listing's vendor when the property is purchased, and easily follow up the new purchasers. The update process is known as moving the new owner in and should only occur with Z listings.
Prospect (P) - Prospect Listings / Appraisal Listings. Salespeople can use 'Z' as a listing prefix to differentiate their own database of properties such as prospect listings from agency listings by reference. Status P for Prospect is one of the statuses for Z listings it usually denotes that the property is in the Appraisal process but has not yet been Listed. In a Centralised deployment, where appraisal properties are entered by the office, salespeople are assigned unique Listing prefix codes such as ZGD* for Geoff Duncan, to enforce privacy and restrict visibility of sensitive data. The Synchro settings must be set to match.
Quiet (Q) - Quiet Listings. Listings which are not publicly advertised but are available for sale.
Sold (S) - Sold Listings. Sold Listings may or may not be linked to a Sales History Record which is required to record sale price and sale date information. When a listing's status is changed to Sold, the confirmation screen allows you to enter the sale date & price to create a Sale History record for the sale. If multiple listings are changed to status: Sold, no confirmation screen is provided. Sales History Records can still be created by opening Listing Entry and reselecting the Sold status under the Listing tab. Sales history records are usually automatic for offices running OfficePartner, so you may accidentally create extra ones. We recommend all activity recorded against the listing that has Sold be kept for some time as a good "Listing Tool" is to be able to illustrate what you or your office did to sell a neighbouring property. See the Activity tab for useful reports.
Withdrawn (W) - Withdrawn Listings. Listings which have been withdrawn from the market.
Listing Status Customization
Advanced: To add or edit your existing Listing status types, open the Settings menu under More on the main menu bar, and open the Listing Status options. This is not recommended unless you are sure of all the implications. We recommend you keep the standard set in any case especially if any synchronization is in place.
Background: SalesPartner is designed to allow salespeople with their own copies to have very extensive data-basing options for contacts and clients. Once the contact database is mastered the next step is to actually database the properties you know (the Z Listings) and use trails and activity templates to keep in touch with the current owners. The Z Listings are the properties you are databasing in your copy of SalesPartner and there should only ever be one Z Listing for any property which should have the current owner as its vendor and forward dated activity for keeping in touch.