How to: Copy Custom Reports
Custom reports are stored in a dedicated folder. You can copy and paste custom report files into another copy of SalesPartner.
The default custom reports folder location is: C:\spartner\Reports\custom
Tip: Go to your custom reports in SalesPartner and click Explorer
Your custom report files will be displayed in File Explorer where you can copy and paste them on to a memory stick.
In this deployment, the custom reports are stored in OneDrive
To paste the custom reports into the target PC, insert the memory stick and open File Explorer.
Paste the custom report files into the custom reports folder.
Hybrid Cloud
You can backup and share various SalesPartner folders using Cloud storage services such as Microsoft OneDrive or DropBox.
This is ideal for single user instance where a fully Cloud based system is not required. Having these selected folders stored in OneDrive ensures that you can recover all of your SalesPartner photos and custom templates in the event of a hard drive loss or failure.
Folders which can be shared in Cloud storage are:
- Letters
- Pics1 (check that sufficient space is available)
- Reports
Once you have copied the desired folders into OneDrive,
you must specify the folder locations in SalesPartner INI Settings.