How to: Import Listings as CSV*
Using a Property-Guru Listings CSV export as an example.
*Microsoft Excel required. Please Backup SalesPartner before attempting to import listings as CSV.
Save the Field Match template below to your PC:
Note: In this example (Property-Guru) you can only export multiple listings as a CSV table. There is no option to export a single listing as CSV.
Part 1. Export a CSV file
1. In Property-Guru Log in and search for a listing.
2. Click Save Property
3. Enter your Search name as 'export' and click Save
Repeat steps 1 and 2 for additional properties, and save them into your Search name titled 'export'. Note that you cannot export a single property as a CSV. You must export multiple properties to export as CSV.
When you have added at least 2 properties to your saved search titled 'export',
Click 'Export' in your Saved searches tab.
Your properties should now display in a list as shown, with the Excel export icon enabled.
Click Columns
Select All
Click Update Results
Click Print Table as CSV
Open the CSV file
Select Row 1 (which is an empty row) and Delete it
Use Find and Replace (Ctrl + F) to find all commas ',' and replace them with the Caret symbol '^' (Shift + 6) on your keyboard
Select all rows (Ctrl + A) and open Find and Replace (Ctrl +F)
Find what: ,
Replace with: ^
Click Replace All
Save your edited CSV file and Exit Microsoft Excel - Important
Part 2. Import a CSV File
Open SalesPartner
Click More
Click Import Data
Click Listings in the menu bar
Select From CSV in the drop down menu
Locate and Open your CSV file
Click Load Match
Locate and open the CSV-Field_Match.txt file which you saved at the start of this course.
Click Next
Click Add Fixed Field
Select Listings.Status
Click OK
In the Set Fixed Field dialog, enter 'I'. Capital letter: i. This means the listings will be imported as status: I / Initial Incomplete
Click OK
In the String Conversion field enter '^' (Caret symbol / Keyboard Shift + 6)
Click Next
Your imported listings can now be shown in the Gallery when filtering by status: I / Initial Incomplete
SalesPartner will remember your previous field match for future imports. So long as you export all columns, the previous match will work.
Additional fields could be mapped into SalesPartner including: sale date, sale price, zoning.
Some fields are missing from the export including: legal description.
Full vendor names are imported into Legal Name in SalesPartner.
To import a single listing, export multiple listings to Excel and delete unrequired rows before you import your CSV file.
Potential uses:
Streamline data entry for Admin and Salespeople.
Fast data migration method.
Reach potential clients using addressed mail.
Improve marketing relevancy using RV and sale data.