How to: upload contract details to REINZ Eforms
Discover how to upload listing, solicitor, vendor and purchaser details to REINZ Eforms from SalesPartner.
Open Listing Entry, and check vendor and solicitor details before proceeding. See How to: Add a Listing
Click on the Contract icon to open the eForms upload tool.
Eforms Contract Printing
1. Enter your REINZ membership credentials in the Username and Password fields. Tip: Tick Remember Me to save your credentials for future contract uploads. If your credentials change, you will need to re-enter the password (and username if applicable).
2. (Optional) Lookup the purchaser using the lookup tool, or add the purchaser using the Add Contact tool.
3. Make sure that Send Password Encrypted is ticked before proceeding. Click Submit Details to eForms website.
You will be prompted to open the REINZ Eforms website, so that you can log in and complete your contract.