How to: use the Property Price Filter (Gallery)
Filter Listings and Sales by price in the Gallery.
The gallery price filter allows you to specify a price range for Listings and Sales. This is useful for finding suitable properties for a buyer, or for preparing a Current Market Analysis report.
To enable price filtering: Open the Gallery and select the tab you want (Listings / Sales)
Click the Price filter tool
Manually enter your desired price range in the Minimum and Maximum fields.
Tip: If you enter '500' in a price field, SalesPartner will automatically add '000' when you tab / click away from the field.
Click OK to apply
The <%> hotkeys quickly calculate a Maximum price based on the Minimum price for example, 500k + 25%
How to reset filters back to default settings
Method 1.
Reopen the Price Filter tool and click Clear to revert back to the default range (0 - 999,999,999). Any selections will be discarded.
Method 2.
Use the Clear All / Refresh button to deactivate all filters (including bedrooms, area etc.). Any selections will be discarded.