Cloud support for group SMS messaging We've developed a tool: [Email 2 SMS] which allows you to send group text messages (using your smartphone plan allowance) from SalesPartner-Cloud. You can see the additional option in the Send SMS interface. Reports suggest that SMS is an effective method of communication for real estate marketing. With the proliferation of All-you-can-eat TXT plans available, you could save hundreds of dollars a month in comparison with using pay-per-message SMS services. As a bonus, your message will appear to have been sent from your phone and therefore you'll receive SMS replies directly. Send hundreds of TXTs using your plan allowance (not pay per message). Note: SMS events are recorded as activity. Always include "Opt Out" advice - electronic messages act compliance (feature available). Cloud / Send via email support available on demand. Additional settings required. Android handset required. Tabletization SalesPartner uses screen resolution and multiple monitor detection to determine whether to display Tabs in addition to the main menu buttons. If you have multiple monitors, Tabs are enabled which will allow you to un-dock components and operate SalesPartner on multiple screens. If your resolution suggests that you are running SalesPartner on a Tablet, then the Tabs are hidden to afford better screen real estate economy. Other updates: Gallery Bedrooms filter layout adjusted. When you edit Plain Text email templates, merge field handling has been fixed. SalesPartner now checks your current version on launch and if a newer version is available, an [Update] button will be enabled. The Price Filter in [Contacts] now only accepts numerical input. The scale of this screen has been enlarged to match the counterpart filter in [Gallery]. The action button panel in [Contacts] has been anchored to the right corner instead of floating. This will help target accuracy and build familiarity between core screens. In [To-Do List] a bevel has been removed, and the date filter panel now collapses and restores correctly when you uncheck [Filter by Date]. In [Add / Edit Activity] the note panel font size has been enlarged to improve accessibility. Icon added for [Temperature] drop down options in [Listing Entry].
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