- Updated: October 2020 real estate newsletter template CFP newsletter attached.RTF
- Fixed: Importing listings from Realestate.co.nz (multiple/single listings, and downloading photos).
- Fixed: Importing office listings from Trade Me HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error.
- Fixed: Tmp error that can occur on a networked instance if left idle overnight. [FireDAC][Phys][MySQL] Table 'rezy.#tmp' doesn't exist. Applies to both SalesPartner and OfficePartner. Typically observed when attempting to send an SMS or merge an email. Also fixed for [FireDAC][Phys][SQLite] Error: table '#tmp' already exists.
- Fixed: the default vertical scroll bar position when you open Contacts. Related: Null / Blank values in Contacts (empty name fields) are sorted first rather than last.
- In OfficePartner new letter template merge fields have been added for the Buyer / Vendor's solicitors.
- Updated Report: 'CMA' now shows previously missing total sales amount, and average sale price.
- Fixed: SynchroServer error: [FireDAC][Phys][MySQL] Column 'TypeID' in where clause is ambiguous.
- Fixed: SynchroServer error: [FireDAC][Phys]-300. Driver [MySQL] is not registered. To register it, you can drop component [TFDPhysMYSQLDriverLink] into your project.
- Libmysql.dll is now bundled into the SynchroServerSetup installer.
- Fixed: Truncated hyperlink when merging the new salesperson website field into letters.
- When emailed, merged letters automatically strip special characters out of the HTML before sending. This resolves an issue where symbols could appear alongside merged URLs in the monthly newsletter.
- In View Sale you can now rearrange photos using drag-and-drop. This is consistent with Listing Entry.
- New: In To-Do List, Gallery, and Contacts under Tools you can Apply Best Fit to resize columns to intelligently adjust to the cell sizes.