- Gif converter for social media ad placements. A new tool to create eye catching online property adverts for platforms like Facebook, and Twitter. We'll publish guides when suitable templates are ready to use.
- MP4 video publisher for converting presentations slides into a YouTube ready movie format.
- Newsletter attached.RTF template 2020 updated for November 2020. Email signature.RTF updated.
- Gif converter standard resolution set at 720 x 720p (square aspect ratio). This definition balances reasonable image quality with a file size of around 3mb for 20 slides or a standard listing photo slideshow. Resolution tab sequence order corrected.
- Gif converter shows view in folder prompt when complete.
- Presentation suite shows a progress bar when saving Gif / MP4 / PDF files.
- In MP4 converter, added a download button to fetch Ffmpeg if not present in C:\spartner\
- Added support for emailing Gifs inline from SalesPartner, also with hyperlinks (for RTF letter templates).
- Tested an issue where SSL was temporarily not supported for GoDaddy SMTP settings.
- ListingsSynchronizer updated with support for MariaDB hosts.
- Graph templates script fixed.
- In Gallery thumbnail view, right click support added for parity with grid view.
- Use my account option removed for downloading listings from Trade Me (credentials are required).
- Updated splash screen text 1990-2020
- An issue where alternate Windows display scaling settings causes the Groups icon to vanish in Contact Entry (missing group / groups icon) is resolved by upgrading to version 14.