Troubleshooting Performance: Network deployment
This guide explains how to optimize SalesPartner settings for a network deployment.
Network clients should be connected using Category 5 Enhanced (CAT 5e) Ethernet cable.
Part 1. BDE configuration and Network shared folder
If performance is not satisfactory, the Borland Database Engine settings should be checked on the server, as well as all workstations.
The 'spartner' folder on the Server must be shared with read & write access for every applicable user.
By default, the spartner folder is created in C:\spartner
Configure Borland Database Engine settings for the server first and then the individual client workstations. BDE settings must be identical on all networked instances of SalesPartner.
Open: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Borland Shared\BDE
Right Click BDEADMIN.EXE and Run as administrator
Select the REZY node in the Database Tab. If the REZY node does not exist, you can add it in Object -> New
The (shared) spartner data folder path should be pasted into the Path field, for example: \\LEOPARD\spartner\Data\
Tip: If the REZY path appears to be locked and you cannot edit the path (the node shows green shading as pictured), then click on the Open tool.
When you edit a field in BDEADMIN, apply changes via Object -> Apply.
Next, check the Paradox node in the Configuration tab in Configuration -> Drivers -> Native -> PARADOX
The NET DIR field in this example is: \\LEOPARD\spartner\
Remember to Apply changes before proceeding.
The final BDE settings to check are in the System -> INIT node.
MEMSIZE = 36 (or MEMSIZE when multiplied by 1000 must be greater than SHAREDMEMSIZE and MAXBUFSIZE combined)
When BDE settings have been correctly configured across the deployment, you can move on to the next phase of testing.
Part 2. INI settings
Similarly to the BDE configuration, the INI settings throughout the deployment should be identical and consistent with the BDE spartner folder location.
Click More on the main menu of SalesPartner
Click Settings
Click INI Settings
Click Set Server and paste the shared spartner folder location, then click OK on both screens and exit SalesPartner.
Part 4. Things to check
- The latest version of SalesPartner should be installed on all PCs and all workstations must be running the same version of SalesPartner.
- Antivirus and / or Firewall systems may affect performance. If performance is slow, SalesPartner should be tested with antivirus and / or the Firewall temporarily disabled to determine whether this is the case. If it is, then the antivirus and / or Firewall software must be configured appropriately.
- If a particular network client is suffering from poor performance, open their local spartner folder in C:\spartner and delete the contents of the PRIV and PRIV2 folders.
- If a network client cannot open SalesPartner, ensure that they have access to the required server folder using SalesPartner Utilities. Open SalesPartner Utilities and open File Explorer using the button next to the Data Location field.
Once every few months, SalesPartner should be Reindexed on the server while all client connections are closed.
General system maintenance
In SalesPartner -> More -> Settings -> Miscellaneous, there are several optimization tools.
- Delete Duplicate Activity
- Re-Save Property
- Re-Save Contact
- Delete Orphaned Property recommended
More information
You should determine whether SalesPartner is running slowly on the server, or just running slowly on networked PCs.
Gallery performance may be hampered by the total number of listings and sales. SalesPartner can archive data so that the quantity of current data is more manageable. The Pics1 folder may grow excessively large, in which case we can audit the files and reduce the total folder size if necessary.
Activity records which exceed 100,000 entries can affect performance in some cases. The activity file can also be archived, allowing you to keep current activity for 'x' number of years as required. SalesPartner experts can use Purge Activity in Count mode to view the total number of activity records (More -> Settings -> Miscellaneous -> Purge Activity).
Large contact databases can affect search / lookup speeds, including vendor lookup. We can examine the database and check for blank records as well as other issues. An alternative lookup mode is available in INI Settings. To enable fast contact lookup, open More -> Settings -> INI Settings -> Contact Entry -> and tick Use Fast Contact Lookup, click OK and restart SalesPartner.
Running SalesPartner-Cloud as a Remote App in Microsoft Azure is relatively affordable and offers better performance than a typical LAN setup, along with the mobility of being Cloud based. More and more offices are switching to SalesPartner-Cloud so that they can connect from anywhere, using any device.