How to: Synchronize Solicitors
Learn how to synchronize solicitors from an office copy of SalesPartner (into a salesperson's copy of SalesPartner). When you synchronize office solicitors, you can view the solicitor details for an office listing in SalesPartner.
Use this guide if you are a salesperson who synchronizes listings from your office and you are unable to view Solicitor details for office listings.
Prerequisites: Central SalesPartner Office system which includes a solicitors database. SynchroServer must be running on the office server network. A salesperson copy of SalesPartner running independently, and authorized to synchronize with the office in SynchroServer Configurator, is required.
Step 1: On the salesperson's PC, open SalesPartner
Click More
Click Synchronize
Click More
Click Synchronize
Step 2: Click Show Advanced to expand and show full Synchronization options.
Step 3: Click Log In.
When you click Log In, the various synchronization options will be enabled, unless a connection error occurs, in which case you may need to click Show Settings and review your SynchroServer address and/or password.
When you click Log In, the various synchronization options will be enabled, unless a connection error occurs, in which case you may need to click Show Settings and review your SynchroServer address and/or password.
Step 4: Click Get Solicitors, and click Yes to confirm.
Create a SalesPartner backup if you are unsure about proceeding.
Create a SalesPartner backup if you are unsure about proceeding.
If successful, you will see the solicitor data being synchronized at this point.
Upon completion, Exit Synchronizer and open an available Listing to check that you can view solicitor details.
Open Listing Entry -> Vendor Tab -> Click View Solicitor button.
Open Listing Entry -> Vendor Tab -> Click View Solicitor button.