You can open <My Listings> to view your current TradeMe listings, and there is a Copy button which will allow you to paste your listings elegantly into Excel or Word. is now supported as well as the sandbox testing site. Developer options still lets you view and generate XML.
- Better handling of Sections (no bathrooms or bedrooms)
- Managing over 20 photos improved.
SalesPartner updates
- New Listing Kit template <Appraisal> generates an entire 17 page listing presentation with a single mouse click.
- Fixed <Get adverts from> in Gallery Tools.
- Intelligent photos replace empty features in tri-fold flyers (A3 & A4)
- Magazine supports Sold listings, displays "Sold" banners where appropriate
- Living area icon now displays on all standard templates where available, Living area comment also supported on many templates.
- Updated and re-added Client Care Rules now available in Listing Kit tab.
- Listing Kit templates updated, generic bands, 15mm margins, new layouts.