- Uploading to e-forms is working correctly again. Previous editions of version 10 were prone to errors when uploading.

- When you select groups, the <OK> button is now unavailable until you make a selection. We call this user control button validation.
- Filter by Salespeople window title edited
- Enter Property Inspections button renamed as Enter Visits.

- In Contact Looking for tab, numerical syntax for Production and Area fields has been enhanced.

- In activity, We have adjusted the default time drop down options to better support open home time entry.
- Removed surplus bevels in email client Recipients screen.
- Edited hint text & item layouts (field alignment) in Email options screen.
- Tidied up the merge listing panel in SalesPartner Email client, removed bevels.
In Contacts, many columns now support reverse order display. By clicking twice on a column header you can reverse the display order. This is great for displaying newest contacts first:
- Improved alignment for buttons and fields in Synchronize windows
- In Presentation helper, when you delete a page, your cursor is automatically re-focused on the next available page rather than your focus being lost.
- Fixed spelling mistake "cushions" in Staging template x 2 (also featured in appraisal multi page template).
- Updated Contact List report to expand and feature extra listing information when available.
- Plus 12 more updated templates.