The coding department has taken a major step towards Trademe API compatibility. This new communication technology opens the door for SalesPartner to talk with applications like Facebook, Twitter, Gmail & Dropbox.
- Removed partially obscured ID number next to note icon in To-Do List.
- Fixed <Tenant Greeting not found> error.
- Fixed email button in reports.
- Fixed various email buttons in contact screens.
- In Letters, the scroll bar is instantly focused - this means your mouse wheel can scroll through your letter immediately.
Report updates:
- In CMA's the Vendor info report now supports listings as well as sales.
- Alerts have been removed from CMA reports.
- A phone number error on the Letter box drop template has been fixed so that your mobile number merges correctly.
- Graphs updated - removed top and right axis walls. The letters per week graph is now a bar graph, not a line graph.
- Where features are displayed, reports can now display extra commercial and rural features that were previously unavailable. Features are calculated to make efficient use of available space.
- A6 cards now display advert text, and do not display features or price.
- Sold DL cards allow more room for dual agent email display.
Letter updates:
- LVR letter updated
- Easter template updated to a more politically neutral standard
Outstanding known issues:
- Uploading to eforms in version 10 is unreliable.
- Random extra spaces may be inserted into CFP Letter templates when edited.