- Available
- Conditional
- Sold
- Withdrawn
- Quiet, if applicable
Question: To fulfill our Anti Money Laundering obligations we need to find out how many listings we have had since January 2014 and how many sales. Is there a simple way to get this out of SalesPartner? Solution: Open the Gallery and click into Other Selections > Status. Drag and drop or double click on a status from the left hand source list to add it into the Selected list on the right. For this scenario (find all listings and sales in a date range) you would include: Click OK then open Other Selections > Listed, Expiry, Sales date ranges. In the Select current listings panel, enter the required start date and click OK. Note: because we previously enabled withdrawn and sold listings the date filter will apply for listings as well as sales. Using the gallery tab counter we can see that 714 listings and sales have been entered in the date range. Totals by status Use the status filter from step one to obtain totals for sales only, or determine the total number of listings including withdrawn and quiet listings. In this sample data there have been 509 sales entered between 01/01/2014 - present. There have been 226 listings entered including quiet, conditional, and withdrawn listings. To print a report of the filtered lists, click All > Print Reports and under the Office Tab, double click One Line Report.
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