Hi this is <NAME> at <COMPANY> how are you? Nice day isn't it? Hey it's just a quick call about your property at <STREET> great spot, by the way can I ask you...
1. Would you sell it?
- Can I ask you, what are your thoughts on selling at the moment?
- what is your time frame / long term plan?
2. Are you looking to buy?
- What are you looking for in terms of yield or return?
- Do you prefer turn-key or potential to add value?
- What is your view on this market as a buyer?
3. What's your email address?
4. If I had a buyer would you sell?
- May I share the latest sales with you just in case?
- Would you be open-minded to looking at your options in 6 or 12 months time?
5. Good luck with the tenancy.
- Hope it all goes well, and I'll keep you in mind
- Let me know if there is anything I can help you with
You might dread these calls at first until you discover how good they are. The owners are expecting phone calls from their advert, plus they are interested in property. Listen for opportunities to get their thoughts on things like Healthy Homes, or who they recommend for maintenance. Be engaged and lay the foundation of a future relationship.