Generally the interface looks different but the system is still familiar. SalesPartner's design has been overhauled to strip away visual embellishment.
Update notes:
- Paste enabled for Contact Business card photo field and right click options added
- Intelligent media confirmation check occurs before prompt is launched, when you copy a listing
- New Vendor update prompt is triggered by copying a listing
- Maximum digits set in numerical filter fields
- Bevels removed in various windows
- Delete Listing UX enhanced
- Close buttons added to Realestate & trademe downloaders
- Balloon hints shortened and duration reduced to 2 seconds
- <ALL> is disabled in Gallery / Contacts / To-Do List when no results exist
- To-Do List skips completed activity when you complete a batch of activities
- Open2View photo download UX enhanced
- Photo replacement UX enhanced in all photo handling areas
- Ref screen now anchored to Ref button
- New Listing screen now anchored to <+> button
New A3 tri-fold and booklet templates added