taskkill /F /IM rezy.exe
SalesPartner applications can crash or freeze for a number of reasons such as: - Inability to reach host server/PC, the server may be offline. - Insufficient resources or high intensity workloads trigger a not responding type scenario, for example if you attempt to email an attachment larger than 10MB. - Maintenance is required to resolve issues such as incompatible data tables running on older application versions. - If an unaccepted date format is entered into a calendar field the application may need to be closed forcefully. - Multiple instances of SalesPartner have been launched unsuccessfully. Option 1: Open Task Manager using the Windows+X power menu in Windows 10, or by pressing Ctrl+Alt+Delete simultaneously. In Processes, locate Real-EZY SalesPartner / Rezy.exe. Right click > End task / process. Option 2: Restart the PC or Sign out then sign back in. On Windows 10, Press Windows+X or right click the Start button to open power menu options. Option 3: Force the task to stop using Command Prompt / PowerShell. Open PowerShell and enter this command: When executed, this command will force rezy.exe (SalesPartner) to close. On a Remote Desktop Session Host, this command will close all instances of SalesPartner for all active users. You can save this command as a Windows Batch file for re-use.
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