- Look up Listings
- Look up Contacts
- Look up Solicitors
- Look up Salespeople
This week we've researched Windows conventions, so that SalesPartner can be easier to use for anyone who has used Microsoft applications (and who hasn't?). Improving accessibility using features like keyboard shortcuts not only benefits power-users, but will also make SalesPartner easier to use on touch screens (enhanced context menus). Send SMS has joined the action menu in Contacts. Send SMS is validated, so that it is only available when it should be. You can attempt to download Realestate.co.nz information for any listing. SalesPartner will search for your listing using the agency reference. If your listing is found, the Realestate.co.nz ID will be added along with the listing data and photos. Wherever a look up or search option exists, you can launch it by pressing ctrl + f or F4. When you upload your listing to REINZ E-Forms, superscript characters such as 200m² are automatically converted, avoiding any potential errors. SalesPartner reports now include your personal website address details.
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