- Weblinks can now display Hectares and Acres
- Weblink upload screen bevels removed.
- Removed the ability to double click on column headers and mistakenly open a file.
- When you cancel out of Custom sort order in Gallery, your previous order choice is re-applied, rather than reference order. Bevel removed in Custom sort order window.
- Bevel removed in Activity tab
- Group / Code panel frame removed in Contact Entry
- Bevel removed in Activity filter windows
- Adjusted <enabled Property> layout in Contacts
- In Gallery, Salespeople filter UX and UI enhancements
- Synchro progress bevels removed, Synchro advanced settings bevel removed.
- Groups editing <Fix problems> confirmation screens corrected.
- H1 import window anchored to parent button
- <Activity Time From To> data field added to provide flexibility for Open Home description syntax.
- Carriage returns added in To-Do List filter description, to avoid text being obscured.
- When you open SMS messaging, the cursor automatically drops into the message panel.
- Shift Activity confirmation screens corrected.
- Bug-fix: opening a listing from Gallery in Pictures view mode
- PortPlus commercial listing import fixed
This version is a step closer to TradeMe upload API compatibility, data-file upgrades are scheduled for upcoming versions.
Report updates:
- Appraisal generator template added
- Magazine template enhanced - can display listing agent details, conditional (under offer) banners, new listing banners.
- Improvements value added to several templates.
- Margins improved, some page numbering added, enhanced footers.
- Activity reports updated to only display activity contact first names where appropriate (ie not for vendor activities)
- New listing banners added to A5 templates (if listing has been listed within the past 9 days)