- Postcode finder link updated.
- Fixed REINZ sales import.
- Fixed scaling issue, on Windows scaling at 125% the groups button is not obscured.
- In Contacts, Gallery and To Do List, the search tool displays a clear button when search data is entered.
- Optimized the Next open home Custom sort order in Gallery.
- Fixed the Realestate.co.nz multiple listings importer to show the Floor type correctly.
- Android PSP sync is supported - a known issue with photos remains.
- Fixed emailing from Appx version.
- FMImage Transition (photo viewer) is not enabled for Appx version.
- Fixed an issue with synchronization from an SQLite server to an SQLite client.
- Fixed an error in Listing Entry: Vendor lookup.
- If the data location is not default, the alias name is displayed in the left hand corner. So if you're maintaining several databases, you can identify which copy is open. Connection info is also displayed in SalesPartner Utilities
- Graph reports are now supported.
- Fixed an issue with launching Synchro Server Configuration.
- Splash screen updated.
- Activity, Import Data, and System File now open in full screen instead of modal windows.
- SalesPartner Utilities now reflects your chosen SalesPartner theme.