- In the Listing Entry and Contact Entry activity tabs, added context menu option to right-click and complete activities.
- In the Listing Entry Media tab, added context menu options to right-click: Import, Open Folder Location, Email.
- Updated Open Home survey template: MarketResearchForm.QR2
- Clarification: In Listing Entry Media tab, PNG files will open using the default application unless this is Microsoft Paint.
- The Realestate.co.nz multiple listings importer now supports re-ordering by price (click on the price column header to switch the order). This gives the interface parity with the Trade Me counterpart. Price ordering is useful when you are importing an office's listings and you wish to skip their rental properties. Press Shift + Down arrow to select listings to import.
- Fixed: Previously when you right clicked an event in the activity tab which was not the topmost item, the focus would shift and potentially create an iCal file for the incorrect activity.
- To support Trade Me API uploads in MariaDB environments, two SSL libraries have been bundled into the update: libeay32.dll, ssleay32.dll. These items must be present to fix: Could not load SSL library. Also required for downloading listings from Realestate.co.nz, or Trade Me.
- Option removed in Listing Entry: Show nearby listings on Realestate.co.nz. This feature is currently not supported for the updated website.
- The welcome screen now points to https://www.salespartner.nz/news. The header contact us links also now redirect to the new URLs.
- Clarification: In Listing Entry, Internet tab, Trade Me options, if Featured is ticked, the property will upload as a Feature Combo.
- Removed from the Listing Table references to these fields: StreetShort, SuburbShort, St_NoShort, VendorShort, and Note.
- Solved: Could not convert variant of type (Null) into type (Integer). If this error appears check the System Number via More, Settings, System File.
- Fixed in OfficePartner Update, when looking up a solicitor and rebuilding the lookup list: Access violation in module 'rezyOffice.exe' Read of address 00000000. Also fixed empty lookup result.
- Fixed in OfficePartner Update, when looking up a salesperson, or looking up a sale record: Access violation in module 'rezyOffice.exe' Write of address 0000046C.
- Fixed two report templates in OfficePartner: Finalised Sales in Date Range, Confirmed Sales in a Date Range.
- Updated Activity template ToDoPastActivity.qr2 now displays the new note field.
- Updated Vendor report template: Propins3.qr2, added CombinedDescription to the Custom Activity merge fields (so that the new note is published).
- Fixed: In Gallery, Tools, Add Note now links the enabled contact, and also shows the enabled contact in the preview panel under the checkbox.
- Updated CMA template: cmagv2.qr2, hidden redundant Asking Price elements.
- Ctrl+Click now supported (throughout the grid not over the checkbox) to enable easier selection in Gallery, Contacts, and the To-Do List. If you press Control on the keyboard as you click anywhere on a row, the item will be selected / ticked.
- Working on merging contacts and listings for personalised CMA reports.
- Tidied up the field alignment in View Sale window.