- The server (office PC) and the client (salesperson's PC) must not have the same System #.
- On the server, any contacts you wish to sync must be assigned to you (the salesperson). In Contacts check the Sper column to check that your contacts are linked to your agent ID. Tip: to change an agent code, select contact(s) and click Tools > Advanced Tools > Change Agent Code.
- Your contacts must also be assigned a unique LinkCode. In Contacts check the LinkCode column. To assign contacts with a LinkCode, select contacts and click Tools > Advanced Tools > Give Code. Contacts assigned to a salesperson are automatically given a code with their agent's ID as a prefix. For example, GD's contacts will be given a code such as GD00001. The LinkCode length is determined in INI Settings > Contact Entry. You can also enable Generate Codes Automatically from this tab.
Client PC: Things to check
- In SalesPartner > More > SynchroServer > Settings > Modify Server > Buyers, Transfer buyers or Transfer new buyers only should be selected.
- Also in Modify Server, under What information do you want to get? Activity must be ticked.